Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Simple Spring Mantel

A Seasonal Simplicity Tour with 28 mantels and vignettes all styled for spring.

There’s nothing like a freezing cold day in March to make you look forward to spring. So I started pulling out the spring decor this week and pretended it was already sunny and 65 outside.

This year, I’m all about simplifying… neutral colors that can be used any time of year, less “stuff” so we don’t feel like we’re drowning in decor, simple flowers and greenery that are all faux so I don’t have to worry about cleaning up their mess and keeping them alive.

Simple for the win!

(Some affiliate links are provided below. Full disclosure here.)

With Olivia and Regan’s toys everywhere and with Robert and I still getting up about 3 times a night for feedings, simple is NEEDED right now.

So I’m joining in with my sweet friend Krista from The Happy Housie and a bunch of blogger friends for another Seasonal Simplicity Tour to share our mantels styled for spring. (You can see all of theirs at the bottom of this post, if you want some ideas to spruce up yours.)

It’s tricky decorating around a TV anyway, but since there’s nowhere else to hang it, just a couple of vases with white tulips on either side adds just enough to make it feel like spring in our living room.

They’re totally fake with acrylic “water”, but I swear you’d never know.  I’m just glad I won’t have to sweep up flower petals in a week. 😉

I found this totally real looking fiddle leaf fig to put in the corner too (because I know it’ll only be a matter of 6-ish months before we’ll have a toddler on our hands who might enjoy pulling fists full of dirt out of a real plant pot to toss around like confetti).

That big basket on our hearth has a little secret too.  It’s filled to the brim with toys, and I just stuck a pillow on top to hide our crazy. Ha!

If you want to know about any of the sources I used, they’re all here: (Similar items linked for decor that is discontinued or unavailable.)

I’ll share more of our living room along with a few other spaces next week for a full spring home tour. I’m warning you… this is the only spot in the house right now that actually looks like we have our act together. (Spoiler alert: We don’t.  I’m totally convinced I need to share a weekly #BlesserMess on Instagram just to prove it.)

You can see more mantels on the tour all styled for spring below, if you want more decorating ideas to encourage the warmer weather:

The Happy Housie //Rooms FOR Rent // Place of My Taste
Lolly Jane// Lemon Thistle

A Pretty Life // Clean & Scentsible // Tatertots and Jello
Tauni Everett // Amber Tysl

Bless’er House // Zevy Joy // So Much Better With Age
House by Hoff // Modern Glam

Home Made Lovely // Maison de Cinq // Sincerely, Marie Designs
Town and Country Living // Hallstrom Home

Rambling Reno // This is Our Bliss // Life is a Party
Southern State of Mind // Deeply Southern Home

Craftberry Bush // Taryn Whiteaker Designs // Finding Silver Pennies


The post Simple Spring Mantel appeared first on Bless'er House.

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