Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror

A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room.

If you’re a lazy DIYer, a challenged thrifter, a not-super-artsy type… this little project is for you.

Because truthfully, there are days I try to shake the creative side of my brain awake, and nothing rattles around in there. Creativity is a fickle thing sometimes… one day, I’ll have a million different projects I want to do all at once because I’m filled with fun ideas.  And then some days, the lights are on but nobody’s home.

Do you ever get like that?

DIY Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror | A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room. #candletray #repurposedmirror #thrifteddecor #budgetdecor #mirror #tabledecor #centerpiece #tray

I blame this last shred of cold, rainy winter weather we had over the weekend.  But when I walked into the thrift store a few days ago, I saw this cute round mirror hanging out in the wall decor section and thought, “That’d be a cute idea for a rainy day.”  (Literally.)

So I made it my quick and easy repurpose project for this month’s Trash to Treasure Tuesday. (Check out past T2T projects here and see the rest of this month’s before and afters from my bloggy gal pals at the end of this post.)

I figured… candle tray!

I’ve seen mirrored candle trays in Pottery Barn before that were so simple, just round trays that reflect candlelight beautifully around a room.

All I did was paint the bronze frame with some Fusion Mineral Paint Raw Silk I had in my stash and dry-brushed it with a little Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Coco to add an antique effect.

DIY Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror | A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room. #candletray #repurposedmirror #thrifteddecor #budgetdecor #mirror #tabledecor #centerpiece #tray

And instead of hanging it up on a wall, I just placed the mirror in the middle of our dining table with some pillar candles to illuminate the room and bring some twinkle into the gray days we’ve been having lately.

DIY Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror | A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room. #candletray #repurposedmirror #thrifteddecor #budgetdecor #mirror #tabledecor #centerpiece #tray

DIY Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror | A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room. #candletray #repurposedmirror #thrifteddecor #budgetdecor #mirror #tabledecor #centerpiece #tray

It’s so simple, and this one barely counts as a tutorial, but if you have a small mirror lying around that you don’t know what to do with, I thought it was a unique way to use it.

DIY Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror | A quick and simple way to repurpose an old mirror to make a designer knock-off candle tray and add brightness to a dark room. #candletray #repurposedmirror #thrifteddecor #budgetdecor #mirror #tabledecor #centerpiece #tray

You can check out all of the other projects for Trash to Treasure Transformation Tuesday below too.  Just click the links to see the afters.

Clockwise from top left:

Prodigal Pieces | Confessions of a Serial Do It Yourselfer | Artsy Chicks Rule | Girl in the Garage


The post Candle Tray from a Repurposed Mirror appeared first on Bless'er House.

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