Monday, February 25, 2019

Scandinavian Farmhouse Breakfast Nook

This post is sponsored by Walmart

Remember that whole decision making visualization adventure we had in our breakfast nook last week?  (If that post taught me anything, it’s that I’m one LUCKY girl to have y’all to give me direction when I feel lost. #SoNotAPro #DesignerWannabe)

This room stumped me since Day 1 of moving in, which looked like this nearly two years ago, by the way…

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

But so many of you had the same realization I did about this small, oddly laid out space.

The Craigslist table we’d bought when we first moved in desperately needed to be swapped out for a round one to help with the traffic flow and to keep us from bumping elbows during family meals.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

And then as I was browsing around for a winner, I found out that Walmart just released its own private label brand called MoDRN, and this Scandinavian table pulled at my little Swedish heartstrings.

Their line has pieces designed around scandi minimal, retro glam, and refined industrial styles.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

This space isn’t really finished, in my eyes, but it’s a step in the right direction.

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been trying to let go of the farmhouse look a bit for a more sophisticated, modern-meets-traditional style.  In our colonial home, the super rustic farmhouse stuff feels a little out of place.

So I did something new for a change.  I sprung for modern Scandinavian.  And do you know what?  It feels fresh and clean and minimalist, which is what our lives desperately need at the moment with a messy, high maintenance almost 5 month old.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

That farmhousey DIY wall planter and pendant light will be hanging around for a while longer until we decide what to swap them out with.  And I love that, for now, it mixes the best of both worlds while we transition the style of this space. (Don’t worry; I’m picturing a more traditional light fixture and wall decor to tone down the modern, so it feels more cozy and classic in here.)

Robert and Olivia have sprawled out around this table every night after dinner to color and do science projects together before bedtime ever since it arrived (that’s their “thing” and it’s adorable).

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

I added in this oversized metal clock too since we’re always needing one at a glimpse from the adjoining living room.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

And I stuck these Scandinavian style candle holders and this sweet blue vase in the middle for a touch of spring thinking just maybe it’ll encourage the weather outside to take a hint already.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

These speckled dishes came from the Walmart MoDRN line too, since I’ve been wanting some neutral casual dinnerware that’s durable for Olivia to clunk around.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

The only thing is I’m concerned that the table might be just a teeny bit too big for the space.  Robert says it’s perfect because he loves having room to sprawl out at meals.  Y’all settle the debate for me on that one, but it’s definitely proven that round is the way to go in this space.

Sometime soon, I’d love to add a rug to soften the space until we can one day (probably years from now) tackle a flooring renovation.  But we’ll get to that one step at a time.

Home wasn’t built in a day, right? 😉 I have to put that saying on repeat sometimes.

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

A dated breakfast nook gets a Scandinavian farmhouse style makeover using junk finds and decor from Walmart's MoDRN line. #scandinavianfarmhouse #breakfastnook

I’m just thankful that our little family finally has enough room now to enjoy breakfast and dinner together without bumping elbows, especially since it’s about to get a whole lot messier with Regan ready to start solid foods soon.

If you’ve been leaning a little more modern in your decorating style lately too, you can see more from the Walmart MoDRN line here to get more modern designer looking furniture and decor for a not-as-designery price tag.

You can find all of the sources I used here:

You think all of the blues and greenery in this space will encourage spring to get here a little faster?  Here’s hoping anyway!

The post Scandinavian Farmhouse Breakfast Nook appeared first on Bless'er House.

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