Tuesday, February 19, 2019

My New Favorite Tool For Room Design Planning

An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home.

This post is sponsored by Modsy.

I should start this post with a big giant “nerd alert” banner.  Because back when I was a teenager, I used to be obsessed with playing The Sims simply for designing the houses.

I couldn’t care less if all of my characters “died” so long as I had a million dollars and could decorate the rooms.

So whenever I see the 3D room design rendering tools on all of the HGTV shows, I think, “I could seriously just play with that program all day and be thoroughly entertained.”

And then I stumbled upon this website called Modsy that made all of my nerdy little designer dreams come true. If you’ve never heard of it, Modsy is a personalized home design tool that uses 3D visualization technology to let you try on furniture in rooms of your own home before you buy it.

(Psst… there’s a coupon code at the bottom of this post: BLESSER20)

I’d been seeing it pop up on Facebook for months and finally decided to take the plunge because there was this one room in our house that has left me stumped ever since we moved in… our breakfast nook.

An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

 It’s just a weird room. Because it is a really small room with four doorways that all get used constantly throughout the day connecting our garage, our laundry room, our kitchen, and our living room.

And yet we use it all the time for pretty much all of our meals as a family when we’re home, so it has to be functional.

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

I stuck an old wooden table in the space when we first moved in just to get by for a while, and after puppy training last year, the rug that was once here bit the dust.  So it’s been desperate for an overhaul.

To get some help from Modsy, I walked around the room and snapped some quick photos with my cell phone and uploaded them to the website. Nothing fancy or photographer-y. 😉

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

I submitted measurements of the space and filled out a questionnaire along with a style finder quiz that was so eye-opening! Turns out my style is called “Refined Rustic” with a mix of sophisticated, minimal, comfort, and a touch of modern Scandinavian. I had no idea (which I’ve mentioned before because I’m a rather lost designer wannabe).

(You can take the style quiz here. That, all on its own, was really helpful.)

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

I waited a few days while the pros worked their magic, and I received two design ideas in my inbox with a couple of furniture layout ideas, color schemes, and decor selections… and the 3D images blew. my. mind!

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Isn’t that crazy?! I geeked out.  (But I warned you about The Sims obsession, so you shouldn’t be surprised.)

The guesswork was all done for me, and I’m so ready to tackle this room that has bugged me since Day 1 in this house.

When you receive your designs, Modsy provides a list of all of the sources they used so that you can shop for any of the pieces you like and get a discount through their website.

So now I have to ask, which design do you like best?

Design 1

Design 1 with the bench seating against the wall?

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Design 2

Design 2 with the round table in the middle and a modern pendant light?

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Design 3

Design 3 with a brass light fixture and more traditional mirror in place of the modern art?

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Design 4

Or Design 4 with a more traditional table?

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

They include a birds eye view too, which helps so much in figuring out the layout.  They even got our floor vent in the right spot. Sorcery, I tell you.

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

Modsy.com | An online 3D design rendering tool to help you plan furniture layouts and decor to fit your own personal style using images of your own home. #interiordesign #roomplanning #furniturelayout #roomlayout #designlayout

What’s your vote?  Design 1, 2, 3, 0r 4?

If you want to try out Modsy for yourself, you can click here and use the coupon code BLESSER20 to get 20% off the Multi, Premium, or Classic design packages.

I hope it helps, if you have a stumper room like we did!

The post My New Favorite Tool For Room Design Planning appeared first on Bless'er House.

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