Monday, September 3, 2018

Bumpdate Confessions

Y’all!  We’re in the final month of this pregnancy!  I mean… HOW did this happen so fast?!

I haven’t really shared a bumpdate with y’all because well…

1. Second baby syndrome (Weekly bump pics? What are those?)

2. We’ve been busy busy busy with so many different projects and family trips that we’ve let time slip by in a blink, and we feel entirely unprepared at the moment.

(Photos by Alisha Rudd Photography)

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

Robert, Olivia, and I will be meeting this baby bean (who is now much larger than a bean) in about 4 weeks!

I’d be lying if I said I was a calm, cool, collected mama over here gazing lovingly at our empty crib while we wait for the grand debut.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

Can I be honest with you for a sec?  (Okay, when am I not actually?)

I have really struggled with loving my body during this pregnancy.  Don’t ever search the hashtag #LTKbump on Instagram.  Just don’t do it.  Because it is a trap for maternity model body comparison.

I’ve gained 42 pounds so far on this baby-growing journey, despite working out and eating right as much as I can.  (I gained 55 in my first.) But you know what?  This will be worth it.  Those pounds won’t be there for long. And I have to remind myself of that every day.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

I say this to you, expectant mamas and postpartum mamas and ladies who maybe get down on yourselves about your own appearances from time to time, because I don’t want you to think for a second that my life is picture-perfect when you look at these maternity pictures.

It’s a world of stretch marks and back pain and cellulite that will eat you up, if you let it.  But so much more than all of that, it’s a world of thankfulness for those sweet belly nudges.

Because I’m fully aware that there are so many women in this world who would give anything to experience it just once.  And I will not take it for granted.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

Being a mom, whether a birth mom or an adoptive mom or a foster mom or a traditional mom or a mom to angel babies, is just plain hard.  But it’s also one of the most rewarding titles you could ever have.

During these last 8 months, God has introduced me to moms in all of those categories; I am amazed at each and every one. Love is love, and by golly He is amazing at showing us that in so many unconditional ways with plans that He knit so perfectly for us.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

That mirror on the wall doesn’t define you.  Your mindset and how you choose to respond to your world each day does.

I will always care more about how my daughter(s) see me than about how I see my own reflection.  Sometimes our greatest weakness amidst all of our mama superpowers is not being able to recognize our own beauty.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

And if you scroll on Instagram or Facebook, you might never ever know that those women, in their styled photo shoots, are struggling with the exact same ability to find self-love as you.

“You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 29 weeks

So in a few weeks, the blog might be a little quiet, but we’ll be over here counting fingers and toes and our many many blessings.

Family maternity photo session - Alisha Rudd Photography - bumpdate 34 weeks

(P.S. For any of you fellow prego mamas wanting to know about where I picked up my  maternity dresses, both currently sold out in my colors, but you can snag similar ones from the affiliate links below.)

We love you guys and are so grateful to share this journey with y’all.

BIG hugs!

The post Bumpdate Confessions appeared first on Bless'er House.

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